History Lab 2017: Creating Dialogue.
Teesside University, Wednesday 5 April 2017.
The Curve T1.01, 12:30 – 6:00pm
12:30 – 1pm: Registration
1:00 – 2pm: Welcome and Panel 1 – Thinking about Militarism and Peace (Chair: Sophie Roberts)
Rowan Thompson, (PhD, Northumbria University) ‘An essential institution in British aviation’: The Air League of the British Empire, Empire Air Day and the creation of ‘airmindedness’ in the 1930s
Jasmine Calver, (PhD, Northumbria University) The Comité Mondial des Femmes contre la Guerre et le Fascisme and the Comitern: French and Soviet women’s anti-fascist collaboration in the 1930s
2:00 – 2:20pm: Break
2:20 – 3:20pm: Panel 2 – Rediscovering History through Alternative Sources (Chair: Natasha Neary)
Laura Flannigan, (MA, York University) Edmund Dudley’s Tree of Commonwealth and discourses on royal morality in the early sixteenth century
Tracey Jones, (PhD, Teesside University) ‘Colliery Amazons and Venuses’: The ‘Picturesque’ Pit Brow Women of Wigan
3:20 – 3:30pm: Break
3:30 – 5:00pm: Panel 3 – Public History and Collaboration (Chair: Rebecca Saunders)
Judith Phillips, (PhD, Teesside University) National identity, gender, social class and cultural aspiration in mid-nineteenth century England and France: Josephine Bowes (1825-1874), collector and museum curator
Spencer Brown, (MA, York University) ‘What should York remember?’ A community history project
Harriet Beadnell, (PhD, York University) Organising Postgraduate Conferences – The pros and cons of planning student-led events and some tips on where to start
5:00 – 5:15pm: Break
5:15 – 6:00pm: Keynote – Dr Ben Roberts (Teesside University), Title TBC
6:30pm: Conference Dinner at Al Forno Restaurant, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough.
Please register via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creating-dialogue-symposium-tickets-32689403887?aff=eac2 Registration closes on 24th March 2017.