Please find below the programme for the Classics and Ancient History Research Seminars taking place this semester at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University. All seminars begin at 5.00 pm on the given day and, unless specified below, take place in Room 2.50 on the 2nd floor of the Armstrong Building. (A campus map may be foundhere.) Further details about the final session listed below, a commentary workshop on Hesiod’sTheogony led by Profs Jenny Strauss Clay and Athanassios Vergados, will be circulated in due course. I or Micaela Langellotti will be sending out a weekly notice in advance of each seminar, along with contact details about that week’s dinner arrangements. Any enquiries may be directed us at and
All are very welcome to attend!
Wednesday 15th February
Young Research Panel (PhD candidates, Newcastle University)
Roberto Ciucciove: Lex Marcia Atinia: new strategies of communication and legislative productivity within the Romannobilitas at the beginning of the II century BC
Chris Mowat: An Intersex Manifesto: Naming the non-binary constructions of the ancient world
James Mullen: Beyond Persianization: the adoption of Near Eastern traditions by Alexander the Great
Wednesday 22nd February
Dr Rolf Strootman (Utrecht)
Global empire, local religion: Religious patronage and imperial integration in the Hellenistic Near East
Thursday 23rd February (Room TBC)
Dr Claudia Beltrao da Rosa (UNIRIO/Newcastle)
Images of the Gods in Cicero
Wednesday 1st March
Prof. Nicholas Purcell (Oxford)
Micro-global history puts the ancient Mediterranean in its place
Wednesday 8th March
Dr Jamie Wood (Lincoln)
From Cyprian to Priscillian: making and breaking bishops in late Roman Spain,ca. 250-ca. 400
Wednesday 15th March
Prof. Costas Panayotakis (Glasgow)
The collection of Latin moral maxims attributed to the playwright Publilius
Wednesday 22nd March
Dr Caroline Vout (Cambridge)
Classicism Meets Modernity: Greek and Roman Art in the Nineteenth Century
Wednesday 26th April
Dr Katherine McDonald (Exeter)
Writing women: understanding the goddess Reitia
Wednesday 3rd May
Dr David Lewis (Nottingham)
Occupational hazards: measuring the extent of the division of labour in the economy of classical Athens
Wednesday 10th May
Dr Oliver Passmore (Newcastle)
Deixis and Identity in the Odyssey
Wednesday 17th May
Dr Lisa Hau (Glasgow)
Pathos with a Point. Reevaluating ‘Tragic History’
Wednesday 24th May (Room 1.04, Armstrong Building)
Prof. Jenny Strauss Clay (Virginia) and Prof. Athanassios Vergados (Heidelberg/Newcastle)
Workshop: Commentary on Hesiod’s Theogony

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