Pons Aelius is commited to supporting its contributors and as such has drawn up a number of guides that outline instructions for its authors and detail the editorial process. This is for the aim of making Pons Aelius, and the process that goes into creating it, as transparent as possible.
There are no charges involved throughout this process.
Authors must also complete an online form to complete the submission process. HERE:
Guide for Contributors
Editorial Process
- The author submits an initial draft of their paper. Pons Aelius operates with an Editorial Review process.
- The submission is assessed initially by the subject editor to which the papers suits best. The editor seeks to examine whether it fits the journal’s scope, possesses a degree of originality and maintains the journal’s standard of academic argument.
- If successful the paper is passed onto a secondary editor whose subject most closely matches the submission. They conduct the same assessment as the initial editor.
- The results of these assessments are compared between both reviewers, so they might make a final decision.
- Once the reviews are completed, the submission and attached feedback are returned to the original contributor, assuming it was not rejected outright during this stage.
- Thc contributor then has the chance to accept the feedback, and edit their submission, or reject it. Rejection does require reasons however, if you wish you paper to advance, submitted to the editor assigned to your submission. They will assess the credibility of the rejection.
- Assuming the neccesary edits are made, the paper is then prepared for Pons Aelius’ editors for the next edition.
We screen each submission for plagarism, and follow COPE’s guidelines when dealing with allegations.
If you have any queries, please contact us at: