Our final PGF seminar will take place on Wednesday the 9th of June at 1 pm.
We will be hearing from Mihai Hotea a current third-year PhD student in International History at the University of Nottingham. Mihai’s thesis investigates Romania’s political, diplomatic and economic relations with the US, and the UK during the era of détente. It explores why the three states had a profound interest in working closely with each other, and how much they became involved in the general developments of détente, a process that seemed to loosen the bloc-based power structure in Europe and give medium powers, like Romania, more room for manoeuvre.
Mihai will deliver his paper entitled: “Should democratic leaders engage in bilateral summits with dictators? A case-study of the US, UK and communist Romania in the era of détente”.
For more information please contact Leanne – l.smith28@newcastle.ac.uk