Events Newsletter, week 19.10.15

Here is the first of our weekly events-newsletters. If you would like to promote an event through our newsletter please get in touch with me (


PGF Lunchtime Seminar

Wednesday 21st October, 1-2pm, Armstrong Building, Room 2.50
Xu Hong (UCD): ‘Did Philip intend to invade Italy: A case study of the application of the Realist theories to the Hellenistic international relations’


Research Seminars

Archaeology Research Seminar:
Thursday 22nd October, 4-5pm, Armstrong Building, Room 2.16
Matthew Haysom (Newcastle University): ‘Reconstructing life on Late Bronze Age Crete’

Classics and Ancient History:
Classics and Ancient History Research Seminar
Wednesday 21st October, 5-7pm, Armstrong Building, Room 2.50
Edith Foster (CWRU): ‘The Paradoxical Battle Narratives of Xenophon’s Hellenica’

Wednesday 21st October, 5-7pm, Armstrong Building, Room 1.04
Tim Strangleman (University of Kent): ‘Visualising Work in the Twentieth Century: Guinness and the Life and Death of an English Brewery’


Further School Events

Field trip organised by Dr Susanna Phillippo (please get in touch with her if you are interested)
Sunday 25th October: Corbridge/Corstopitum: Roman site and village (afternoon)
•       Corstopitum fort: important ‘crossroads’ settlement in Roman times, predating Hadrian’s Wall: extensive remains and a good museum including the famous ‘Corbridge Lion’; also the chance to walk along a Roman road! (the Stanegate);
•       Corbridge village: one of the Tyne valley’s most attractive, including partly Saxon church creatively reusing Roman stonework (also excellent tea shops and at least one historic pub!)


Newcastle University

Public Lecture:
20th October, 17:30-18:45, Curtis Auditorium, Herschel Building
All changed, changed utterly
Clare Marx, President of the Royal College of Surgeons
(free admission, no pre-booking required)

22nd October, 17:30-18:45, Curtis Auditorium, Herschel Building
Culture in question: ‘everyday participation’ and the contest over cultural value
Dr Andrew Miles, ESRC Centre for Socio-Cultural Change, University of Manchester


PGF Seminar – Wednesday 21st October 1pm

We are delighted to announce our first PGF seminar will be given by Xu Hong from UCD.
Wednesday 21st October in room 2.50 (Armstrong Building, next to the reading room) at 1pm.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available as always – please come along and support our first postgraduate guest speaker.

Xu Hong – ‘Did Philip intend to invade Italy? A case study of the application of the Realist theories to the Hellenistic international relations’

The PGF seminar series is a fantastic opportunity for postgraduate students to deliver papers about their current research or research interests. This has been a great success in past years, so this year we will be developing this series in order to offer more flexibility. Therefore, we offer you the opportunity to present either a 20 minute paper or an extended paper of 30-50 minutes. This could be at lunchtime (usually between 1pm and 2pm on Wednesdays) or perhaps, in the evening (with the opportunity for taking questions in the pub!). If you would like to give a presentation, please do get in touch. If have any other ideas regarding the structure of a seminar or seminar sessions which you would like to do, if you know of postgraduate students from another university you would like to invite to give a paper, or if you have any questions or ideas then please do get in touch – we are open to new thoughts and aim to be as flexible as possible!
We look forward to hearing from you.

Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Research Student Symposium – confirmed speakers

We have now confirmed our list of speakers for the 2nd NEBARSS conference, to be held here at Newcastle University in November in the historic Armstrong Building. The full list can be seen below, or can be downloaded in PDF form here.

Dr Chris Fowler will give a keynote lecture on Friday 20th of November, his paper is titled:

‘The powers that be’? Powerful events in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain

This keynote will be followed by a wine reception, nibbles, and a lively discussion. Saturday 21st is devoted to current research students, with postgraduate researchers from across Britain and Ireland presenting their work. There will also be a poster display highlighting new and exciting research projects.

Registration is now, and all those who wish to attend are required to register online here.

Registration is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students, postgraduate and early career researchers, lecturers and independent archaeologists, and members of the public who have an interest in prehistoric archaeology.

The registration fee includes the conference pack, tea/coffee throughout, lunch, the wine reception and associated nibbles! There is information on accommodation, travel, and things to do in Newcastle as well as instructions and how to find the Armstrong Building on our website here. (link) Please get in touch if you have any questions or queries.

We hope to see you in November for what promises to be an exciting and engaging symposium!

Welcome (and welcome back)

The new academic year is about to start. For some of us, this means coming back to work after a bit of time off; for some of us, this means coming to a new start at a new university (and for some of us, this means no change, if, like me, you have just been working through your summer).

This also means a new PGF committee. Some roles have been filled, but there are still opportunities open and available. This is also going to be a good opportunity for current and new students to meet and mix, so whether you are arriving or returning, get yourself down to the Percy Building, room G13, this Monday at 4pm to find out what you can do for the PGF, but also what the PGF can do for you!

NEBARSS 2015 – Call for Papers!

2nd Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Research Student Symposium

November 2015

We are holding a postgraduate research student conference here at Newcastle University focusing on the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age archaeology of Britain and Ireland. The conference will be preceded by a keynote speaker (tbc.) and a wine reception, which will provide delegates with a relaxed and friendly environment to discuss their research interests with other PG students and Newcastle staff members, as well as external archaeologists and interested parties.

The conference does not have a theme in order to allow researchers to present aspects of their research projects as they so wish. We are now accepting abstracts for both papers and posters from postgraduate researchers, early careers researchers or independent archaeologists. Click here to download our abstract submission form.

We would also encourage poster abstracts from Masters students who wish to present the results of their dissertations, or new PhD students wanting to present their key research interests and research questions.

If you are interested in attending but not giving a paper or creating a poster we will be opening registration in July , so keep an eye out for further information or email us to be put on our email list.

email: or

View our Call for Papers poster for more information.

We hope to hear from you soon!

“Disrupting the Notion”: A Postgraduate Conference

Last Friday (22nd May 2015) saw Newcastle University’s 12th Annual Postgraduate Forum Conference go off with a bang. A really fantastic range of papers and posters were presented from Newcastle and beyond, displaying some really varied research.

The theme of the conference was “Disruptions”, which had taken root from marketing and commercial theory, as chair Amy Shields explained in her introduction. I think it is fair to say that each paper developed and worked with this theme in really varied and fruitful directions.

The first panel comprised of Skylar Arbuthnot, Samuel Pearson and Victoria Hughes. Arbuthnot gave us some interesting food for thought in local archaeology by suggesting that the understood disruption of Roman settlement could be rethought if we looked for forts in different places. Pearson followed this with an interesting discussion of Lollards and Lollardy heretics in Elizabethan England, and the evidence for and against familial conversion. Finally Hughes looked at some of the Christian responses to a Pagan emperor in the Roman world, and the disruption they felt it caused to their religion.

This was followed by a quick break and a discussion from our keynote speaker, Harry Dickinson (Edinburgh University) who showed a fantastic range of caricature imagery from Britain during the French Revolution and the comedic responses that disruption caused in this country. He almost caused a disruption of his own when he revealed in a denouement that he is, although local, a Sunderland supporter!

After that was a very posh spread for lunch!

Our second panel was Stephanie Moat, Andrew Marriot and myself, Chris Mowat. Moat took the idea of non-classical art styles being regarded as “inferior” in classical archaeologist scholarship and disrupted it herself with the theory of mimetic practice. Marriott then took us to one of the world’s biggest disruptions, the First World War, and looked at how trench art can actually provide new ways of thinking about the historical, military and social developments and outcomes of the war. Thirdly my own paper looked at dreams in the Roman Republic as not simply a disruption of sleep but also a message of potential disruption to the future, and how gender reinforced structures of importance, even in sleep.

The third panel had John Burke and Anthony Stewart. Burke provided stimulating discussion regarding the ongoing disruption of the island of Cyprus by looking at the ‘ghost-town’ of Famagusta, and Stewart took us into Haiti with a look at the local religion of Vodou and the island’s cultural understanding and treatment of mental illnesses.

The poster session showed off, in particular, some of the varied work being done by Masters students.

The final panel of the day was Steven Server and Ben Morton. Server took us through the political climate of the US in the ‘6os and ‘70s through the lens of risk theory, and the disruptions to society and politics during the period. Finally, Morton brought us back to thinking about the theme as a whole and the way we as historians, classicists and archaeologists look at static movement and disruption.

At the wine reception, the Keith Wrightson and Norman McCall prizes were presented. The runner up prize was presented to Andrew Moat, and the winner for the best paper was Stephanie Moat; for posters, Victoria Bell won the runner up prize, with Stacey Astill being the winner.

I, on behalf of the PGF, would like to give a big thank you to Keith Wrightson and Norman McCall for, as always, supporting our event and taking a keen interest in our postgraduate research community – Thank You.

As well, we would like to thank the speakers and audience through the day for the stimulating presentations and fascinating discussion. The whole day was a great success and a lot of good fun. We would all also like to thank Shields for organising and chairing a fantastic conference – thank you!

See you all next year!

Chris Mowat

PGF Committee Member


Updated conference programme. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday!


12th Annual Postgraduate Forum Conference 2015
22nd May 2015
 Research Beehive, Old Library Building

9.00 Tea/Coffee Reception

9.20 Introduction

Panel 1 – Chair: Sam Petty

9.30 Skylar Arbuthnot (Newcastle, PhD) The End of Extramural Settlements in the Hadrian’s Wall Frontier Zone

10.00 Samuel Pearson (Durham, MA) Hereditary Heretics: The Experience of Conversion in Lollard Communities, c​. 1500-1550               

10.30 Victoria Hughes (Newcastle, PhD) “What an evil the Roman world is breeding!” Responses to the Emperor Julian’s Reign


11.15 Keynote Speaker – Harry Dickinson (Edinburgh) British Caricatures and the French Revolution.


Panel 2 – Chair: Lauren Emslie

1.00 Stephanie Moat (Newcastle, PhD) Mimetic Practice in Religious Iconography: A Case Study of Roman Britain

1.30 Andrew Marriot (Newcastle, PhD) Disruptive Influences and a Lack of Discipline? World War 1 Trench Art 

2.00 Chris Mowat (Newcastle PhD) Calpurnia and the Disruption of the Roman State


Panel 3 – Chair: Amy Shields

2.45 John Burke (Newcastle, PhD) A Lost City in the Sand: The Memorial Legacy of Conflict through the Greek Cypriot ‘ghost-town’ of Famagusta

3.15 Antony Stewart (Newcastle, PhD) The Disruption of Leonce Joachim, 1934: How the anthropologist’s informant became the subject of an international debate on Haitian psychology, Vodou and mental health             

Break and Poster Session

 Panel 4 – Chair: David Lowther

4.30 Steven Server (Oxford, MSc) Extralaw and Disorder: Disruptions in Political Culture Surrounding State Risk Management, 1964-1976

5.00 Ben Morton (Newcastle, PhD) Disruptions, Scales and the Medieval Village: Questioning the Nucleated-Dispersed Paradigm

5.30 – Conclusion and Thanks

6.00 – Wine Reception – Student Common Room

Disruptions! Conference Programme

We are pleased to announce our programme for the annual PGF conference (22nd May 2015 at Newcastle University).  All Welcome!


12th Annual Postgraduate Forum Conference 2015

22nd May 2015

Room 2.22, Research Beehive, Old Library Building

9.00 Tea/Coffee Reception

9.20 Introduction

Panel 1 – Chair: TBC

9.30 Skylar Arbuthnot (Newcastle, PhD) The End of Extramural Settlements in the Hadrian’s Wall Frontier Zone

10.00 Samuel Pearson (Durham, MA) Hereditary Heretics: The Experience of Conversion in Lollard Communities, c​. 1500-1550      

10.30 Victoria Hughes (Newcastle, PhD) “What an evil the Roman world is breeding!” Responses to the Emperor Julian’s Reign


11.15 Keynote Speaker – Harry Dickinson (Edinburgh) British Caricatures and the French Revolution’.


Panel 2 – Chair: TBC

1.00 Stephanie Moat (Newcastle, PhD) Mimetic Practice in Religious Iconography: A Case Study of Roman Britain

1.30 Alan McCarthy (University College Cork, PhD) Enduring the Most: The Censorship and Suppression of Cork’s Nationalist and Loyalist Newspapers during the Irish Revolution, 1916-1923

2.00 Chris Mowat (Newcastle PhD) Calpurnia and the Disruption of the Roman State


Panel 3 – Chair: TBC

2.45 John Burke (Newcastle, PhD) A Lost City in the Sand: The Memorial Legacy of Conflict through the Greek Cypriot ‘ghost-town’ of Famagusta

3.15 Antony Stewart (Newcastle, PhD) The Disruption of Leonce Joachim, 1934: How the anthropologist’s informant became the subject of an international debate on Haitian psychology, Vodou and mental health

Break and Poster Session

Panel 4 – Chair: TBC

4.15 Andrew Marriot (Newcastle, PhD) Disruptive Influences and a Lack of Discipline? World War 1 Trench Art 

4.45 Steven Server (Oxford, MSc) Extralaw and Disorder: Disruptions in Political Culture Surrounding State Risk Management, 1964-1976

5.15 Ben Morton (Newcastle, PhD) Disruptions, Scales and the Medieval Village: Questioning the Nucleated-Dispersed Paradigm

5.45 – Conclusion

6.00 – Wine Reception 

“Joan was Quizzical…”

Our first charity fundraising event was a success!  On Wednesday (11th March) we held a Pub Quiz in aid of Comic Relief at the Hancock Pub near campus.  There were raffle prizes up for grabs including chocolates, cinema tickets and a night ‘at the dogs’, which was donated to the cause and for which we are exceptionally grateful!

PGF Comic Quiz 2
Some of the raffle prize winners! Photo Credits: Amy Shields & Sam Petty

Our own Chris Mowat took off his Seminar Co-ordinator hat and become Quizmaster for the night – we should have picked someone who would have created an easier quiz!  Chris came up with a spectacular five rounds with a variety of great questions (including The Beatles song our title came from!) and everyone had great fun.

We had a fantastic turnout and everyone had a great night. 

Our sincere thanks tPGF Comic Quiz 1o
everyone who come along and joined in – we raised £111.50 altogether, which was beyond our expectations.  Thank you! 

A big shout out to our Losing Team, ‘Table 19’, who won the (literal) wooden spoon prize.

And Well Done to our Winners, the ‘The Quiz-tine Chapel’.



Jack & Michael