Welcome to NewSECRT

Welcome to NewSECRT, the Newcastle Sustainability Early Career Researcher neTwork!

The Newcastle Sustainability Early-Career Researcher neTwork (NewSECRT) is a network of early career researchers (ECRs) interested in any aspect of sustainability and open to all Research Associates in Newcastle in any discipline.  We are a self-run group formed by researchers, to meet the needs of researchers.  Members are not required to be working in sustainability, as long as they are interested in learning about sustainability issues and future research opportunities. We intend to build a community that supports ECRs, centring on:

  • Offering friendly and informal networking events, to expose ECRs to trends and needs from other disciplines and prompt new ideas
  • Providing a platform for forming new cross-disciplinary collaborations to tackle  sustainability issues
  • Pooling information from members about resources and career development opportunities specifically relevant to ECRs
  • Building a searchable online community for finding opportunities and collaborations, and sharing successful ideas for supporting ECRs between faculties and schools
  • Hosting events to hear about challenges experienced by industrial and non-industrial (e.g., lobbyists and NGOs) practitioners
  • Producing recommendations for university bodies who wish to provide support for the career development of early career researchers

We present an opportunity to have your voice heard as a broad community of sustainability researchers, a chance to ensure that the needs of fixed-term research staff and ECRs are visible, whilst building up your own personal network of research contacts in a friendly community.

Find out how to join.

1 thought on “Welcome to NewSECRT

  1. Pingback: Green Universities: Newcastle University | NESSE

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